So one of the first things I did when arriving to Tokyo Geidai was to try join the basketball team. And In fact, I asked around without getting a proper answer when I was randomly asked by a member who I chanced across if I played basketball. It's not that I'm really that tall, but maybe I just give off a scent of basketball ability. It's always just below the surface. It can't be tamed. Many people know this phenomenom as Mad Dogness.
Yes, Mad Dog has returned. Japanese basketball teams usually have their nickname on the back of their shirts. I didn't want to have my last name on there because Japanese people can't pronounce it, and having my first name on the back of my shirt would make me feel like a r... er... special needs person. That, and I already have the perfect basketball nickname. Oh, and what a sexy basketball uniform. Sure, it cost a bit, but it's like having a Leaver's Jersey - only the exact opposite (Leavers Pants?)
We only had a few weeks of practice before the year's main event. It's a sports tournament of the five main Arts Universities in Japan - Aichi, Kanazawa, Kyoto and Okinawa.
I'm not going to talk too much about the actual basketball because I want to avoid bragging (whoops...). But it was hilarious fun, and decent basketball. The only problem was that in the first game, I took a series of elbows by Kyoto Art Univerity's Number 4. I played through the pain for the rest of the game, and the next two (all victories) with increading pain. By the end of the day, I had forgotten the pleasure of being able to breathe without wincing pain.
The next morning was insane. I tried playing about 10 minutes over a couple of games, but basketball is significantly more difficult when you can't really breathe properly or raise your right arm above 90 degrees. Tha's when I was I so happy for my great teammates. They pulled through and got us the big victory, which set up the most ridiculously fun night of drinking. It involved an all-you-can-drink evening and a big prizegiving. I was awarded the 'best newcomer' award and was the third overall top scorer. My teammates also picked up the MVPs (both Men and Women), the 3 Point Contest (Both Men and Women) and of course the main prize. So, it still wasn't a bad outing after all.
Here is the championship cup. It may look large, but we had quite a large team, so we got it refilled at the bar. It tasted like victory and anasthetic.
After taking a night-bus home the next day, I went straight to the hospital. A teammate told me of his injury 6 months ago caused from an elbow with the exact same symptoms and circumstances, and he eventually went to the hospital to find out he had broken a rib. By now I was certain I had the same. Luckily I haven't broken anything. On the one hand, it would have been a pretty great story if I had of played through a broken rib, but on the other hand Mad Dog doesn't get injured.
I'm supposed to rest for two weeks while taking patch medicine and wearing a 'corset'. It still hurts like crazy, but it was all part of the fun. I'll be playing plenty more ball this year, sharpening my elbows for the rematch with Kyoto's Number 4, and I'll be back at this tournament next year. A Mad Dog never forgets, and is never forgotten.