I've been meaning to earnestly start posting regularly again, as in 2012 I have turned over a new leaf and so many things have changed. But then I see what's on the other side of the leaf, and it's still just a stupid leaf.
So I decided to refrain from talking about moving to a new city. And I don't want to crap on about my dabblings with unemployment and the status of my job hunting at the risk of people think I'm being negative. Also, I avoided taking a photo of my new flat. This is partly because I don't yet have furniture, and partly because writing about it bores even myself. However, this morning I had a nice surprise waiting for me.
Yeah, I live amongst vermin. I actually felt bad for killing one of my own, because it was me who spotted him the day before, set the trap and respectfully tossed the lifeless Jerry into the bushes. In related news, these mouse traps are fantastic. I know they also make them in rat sizes. I just hope they don't make them any bigger because I will go to extraordinary lengths for peanut butter ("Peanut Butter: it's neck-breakingly good!"*).
Anyway, I'm not going to pretend like things are much different this year because they're really not. But who knows, soon I might just have to get the leaf blower and really blow things up.
*I'm not sure if Micky's cause of death was a snapped neck, as the clamp seemed to be a little further up on the top of his skull. It's just "Skull-crushingly good" isn't quite as catchy slogan for peanut butter.