Parkpop, Den Haag, cont.
Here is a belated recap of Parkpop, without the distracting element of my being dressed up as Michael Jackson. Remember, Parkpop is in Den Haag and is one of the largest free music festivals in Europe. There were three stages, so I couldn't see everything.
The Skatalites.
The Skatalites are a legendary band who basically discovered ska music. Well, maybe that isn't technically accurate in the sense of being true, but The Skatalites have been a steady presence in the Jamaican music scene since the 60's. Sure, due to several reasons (mostly death), the band has changed its membership a lot since then. Some people complain that reggae music is too simple a genre to take it seriously, but the Skatalites show that they can play music well. A selection of instrumental classics, old reggae covers, and some songs with vocals. It was early in the afternoon, relaxed atmosphere, and it was a perfect day for ska. And this was THE perfect band for ska.
Ed Kolkowtzksykyszlyzz
He is better known as the singer from 90's rock band Live, or as I like to call him: "Andre Agassi".

My brother had the Live album, and I never realised how much I had listened to them and liked them until today. It was just the main singer- (which to be honest is all anybody cares about: Dire Straits- Mark Knopfler, No Doubt- Gwen Stephani, Coldplay- Chris Martin, Bob Marley and the Wailers- Bob, The Beatles- Ringo. The list goes on...).
He was playing a steel-string guitar, and a steel-strong voice with soul and Rock 'n Roll awesomeness. Seriously, I have never heard a white guy sing so many "Oh Yeah"'s and get away with it. He played six or seven of his classic numbers flawlessly, and for the last song, he brought out "the best looking quartet in the world": four hot violin/cello players, and a pianist for a rendition of Overcome similar to the link I provided. I was blown away by how good he was, and my own nostalgia for the 90's.
Maikal X
I generally don't like artists who deliberately misspell their name in an attempt to be cool. I can't think of any right now, but what am I, on trial? I wasn't a huge of this music. This seemed to be pretty standard reggae, not bad, but it was good practice for me and my balls (percussion). The band came from all over the Caribbean and Suriname. (the crowd also mirrored this demographic, and I was still dressed as MJ... I had to casually avoid some hostility). At the end of his set, Maikal (if that is even his real name) said "I've brought along a singer from Jamaica. Give it up for Alaine!"
Now, to most people, this doesn't mean much. But I have been listening to Alaine early and often for the last two years. She is a new-ish female artist on the reggae scene. She just sings with voice so syrupy smooth that can melt any man. And she looks the part too. She wasn't supposed to be here, and now she was. How did this happen and why? What wonderful thing did I do to deserve this?
She only played two songs- on the piano- and to be honest, she sounds much better in the recording studio. But I was impressed. She plays piano too? She's actually talented... But wow. I was smitten. Here is more if you're interested... Warning: you may become smitten too.
I left to go home- already having been separated from friends, and I floated home. But not before...
Guus Meeuws
Now, I have mentioned the Ladi-da music that Dutch people like. This guy is one of the biggest Dutch Pop stars. He is to the Dutch like Ricky Martin is to Latin America. This is all despite it being "crap" (please excuse the technical terminology), the people here love it. How much do they love it, you ask... Okay, everybody who was there- maybe 50-100 thousand people, was singing every word to every single song. I mean, I can't explain how incredibly awful this is. Luckily I took a video. Yes, this is a congo train. (shudder).
I kept the image and audio of Alaine in my mind- where it will always stay, and I walked away from the smurf music, past the piles of apocalyptic piles of burning rubble, and went home.
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