One of the things I was excited about being back at Canterbury was reprising my old column, The UNInformant. In my 2nd year of University (2005) I wrote every 2nd week or so a bit of a humour/opinion column in the university magazine, Canta, which seemed to go down really well. This year, I wanted to take it more seriously and try get a decent piece up every week. In my waiting for the school year to start up, I wrote several drafts for new articles. Of course, with the earthquake striking in the first week of school, everything has been pushed back. However, this week a small post-earthquake edition was printed with some thoughts about the quake from yours truly. (unfortunately they left my real name off the article, wrongly presuming that I want to hide behind my pen-name.) It's just a collection of thoughts gathered during the first few days after the earthquake.
Hopefully things will get back up to normal soon, and I'll re-publish them here, as Canta is not a widely distributed magazine. Also, the article that wasn't published has been put up here:
Basically, that will be where I'll post articles which have been left on the editing room floor, which may be extras or articles which are deemed too offensive or inappropriate for a university magazine (I'll do my best). But you don't have to bookmark it or anything. If I add anything to that weblog, I'll link to it here.
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