2009 is a fresh start for me. A new town, a new apartment, a new purpose in life. In fact, since one flatmate is already called "Ruben", I will probably be assigned a new name too.
Last week, a few days before I had planned to make the move to Leiden, I went to Ikea and got new things for my bedroom. While there, I felt bad, deep down in my stomach. I remember standing in the check-out line, swaying ever so slightly. I applied my own special all-purpose remedy, which is to ignore what my body is telling me, and I made a coffee once I got back. However, I didn't even feel like drinking it. Weird. I went to the bathroom to wash my face, and suddenly I began thowing up. I really opened up the floodgates and I almost filled up the basin with Chilli con Carne. It was impressive as it was gross.
However, as everyone who has ever thrown up their chilli into a basin will know, it does not empty by itself. Having just thrown up, I then needed to roll up my sleeve, and unclog the sink. Five minutes later, I had unclogged the sink, and wrung out the spew into three double-handfuls which I flushed down the toilet. However, I now felt brilliant. Maybe I just ate too much, I thought. I washed my arm, and drank my coffee.
15 minutes later, I tasted "Chili con Coffee", going the other way. I think that is one recipie I will not reccommend to you. That night, I slept next to a bucket, which got a lot of use. It was clear that something was not right. The next morning, I was 5kg lighter than the day before, and I could hardly eat the entire day. There was a sickness going around in Holland, and people affected were usually bed-ridden for 4-5 days. I had to come to terms with delaying my move for another week.
But Lo! I made a miraculous recovery, and made the move as planed. It turns out, all it was my stomach wanted a fresh start for my new life too. Nothing more. I think there was supposed to be a moral to this story, but I can't be sure. Was it:
A) Do not, under any circumstances make or eat Chilli con Coffee (Unless it's a dare).
B) Do not, under any circumstances say or write the word "Lo". (Unless it's a dare, or you want to look like a Lord of the Rings geek.)
C) If you throw up, you might well be sick.
D) A fresh start can sometimes be gross.
I'm glad we all learnt something.
You are gross haha. BUT I hope you have someone to rub your back and make you feel better :) Talk soon xx
we share the same IKEA coffee table! just noticed that...
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