Lauryn Lives in Theory
I was originally planning to put all my festival notes into one post, until I saw how huge that would become. So, here is the first installment, which is already very much outdated.
This was my first festival, called festival Mundial. I was so excited because, well, Lauryn Hill was coming. Now, for many people, this probably doesn't mean too much, but to others like me, she is a living legend. I mean, sure, she is a head-case, and is the reason that the Fugees broke up, which still haunts me. (although, for all we know they might have just gone down the road that the Black Eyed Peas went down... And in that case, thank you Lauryn. Thank you.)I loved her from the Fugees to her solo work, and I can't tell you how many times I have listened to her MTV unplugged album. If you don't really like Lauryn Hill, then I can safely assume that you haven't heard this album. Either that, or we are two extremely different people. Which is cool. The point is, I was going to make the trip to Tilburg solely to see her. The rest of the festival lineup was a complete mystery to me.
I bought my ticket online, and the next day I rechecked the festival website. There was an article that said: "Uncertainty about Laurn Hill Performing at Festival Mundial". Oh shit. Further reading said that although Festival Mundial was being optomistic, other concerts across Europe had been cancelled. There was no reason given. She had just disappeared. Not even her agent could contact her. Part of me wasn't surprised. This is, after all, Lauryn Hill, who broke up the Fugees and once said "When they think you're crazy, they leave you alone."
Still, I had paid, and without there being any certain cancellation, I went. Against all odds. I hoped it was a publicity stunt.
This was the page in the concert brochure. The top line in pink letters says: "YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO MISS". I watched several acts, which included reggae and a lot of great world music acts. But at the back of mind, all I could think about was Lauryn. That 3D animation picture was staring me down. (I think it is a very old picture. I mean, you cannot tell me that this woman in the picture has had 5 kids...)
Still, there were no announcements at the park. Finally, when it was her time to perform, an uncertain crowd was standing around the main pavillion. A presenter took up the microphone. n
"You all still think that Lauryn Hill is going to come, don't you?"
"Well, I'm sorry, she isn't."
"And what do we think about that huh?"
Yes, the douchebag was asking the crowd to boo Lauryn Hill. I wasn't sure what to think. On the one hand, she stood me up, but on the other hand, she is Lauryn Hill.
"But we have a great replacement band for you. All the way from... Belgium!!!!"
Now, that last statement was very wrong on two levels. One, the centre of Tilburg is about 8 kilometres from Belgium. I am not making this up. Next, after long deliberation on the loooong way home, the only person who could have walked on that stage right then, and not have disappointed me, would be Tracy Chapman. And I don't think she is Belsch.
No, instead it was some band called Vive La FĂȘte, who might be be a famour band, but it was a complete slap in the face to people who like Lauryn-ish music. I can only describe the music as "Rock which would be very popular in Japan." The band played a song full of distortion, and the singer sqealed out the lyrics of the song, all of which were the word "Tokio". I left disappointed.
On the way home, which took four hours, I wrote a poem. It seems appropriate because of her poetessing ways. It's called Lauryn Lives in Theory, which is a reference to a song of hers "Adam lives in Theory". (there are footnotes to explain some of the esoteric references)
Could anything, really, replace a voice so smooth
or anything relay a message so true
Even it's own reality, years removed [1]
I hope you find yourself, hope you're well
It was my turn, but you pulled a Chapelle [2]
I went to the mountain, but never saw the hill [3]
In your perfection I remember you still
Though Mt. Fuji was hidden behind the mist [4]
It was better than Basho could ever have wished [5]
And today I missed the chance of a lifetime
To sing, "one time, two time" [6]
1. In reference to the 3D-like photo
2. Dave Chapelle who simply left his comedy central show mid-season.
3. Her last name. Maybe this one wasn't so esoteric after all.
4. Mt. Fuji, the most revered mountain in Japan/ The Fugees, perhaps the most revered hip hop group of all time.
5. Basho, a 17th Century haiku poet who had one chance to see Mt. Fuji, but it was concealed behind the mist. Yet, to him and according to native aesthetic principles, this was more beautiful than if he had actually seen it.
6. Killing Me Softly. She did.
We all did.
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