Sunday, February 07, 2010

At Home in Ho-land

As promised, I will be continuing here at for the more narrative stories such as me working as a lunch lady, stupid observations at concerts, bad haircuts (foreshadowing active), visiting towns which don't warrant visiting, and stories of my general misfortunes. However, as you will see in the banner, I have changed the title to At Home in Ho-Land. Last year was an adventure in my re-integration into Holland, and as I wrote in my last post of last year, I don't think it was ever a realistic goal. This was confirmed on the Victory Tour (some stories and photos are still to come too). So, I am following the old saying "Home is were your stuff is". Right now it's Holland, and as long as it is, I'm loving every moment of it.

Bring on the Gazelle

I have also just started a pet project for the year, writing a different weblog. It will be more impersonal, but if you have followed my writing for any length of time, you will probably be able recognise that it is me. It's called The Weekly Gazelle, and unlike this weblog, I will update at least every week for the rest of the year, without fail.

The address is

But you should probably start on the first posting:

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