I am a Lomographer

We start with something very Dutch: Tulips. I have worked at the Tulip park a fair bit this season, and I am sick to death of those stupid flowers.

This is in the seaside town of Katwijk, known for its conservative Christians who frown upon neighbours who hang out laundry on Sundays and its beaches which are nice about 3 months of every year. And even during those three months, you'll be lucky to get weather like this.

This is a typical forest of East Netherlands. Tall trees evenly spaced (basically all the forests are planted by people), and easy access walking paths through them. Seriously, on this very path, we saw many cyclists, a horse-drawn carriage, and an old man on a segway. Yes, a freaking segway.

This place is called the Solse Gat, which was formed by a giant piece of ice that remained after the last ice-age. Or, if you prefer to believe in stupid things, this was the place where a monastry was, where all the monks sold their souls to the devil. Then, their monastry was sucked into the earth like a giant reverse anus.

A Chinese gardens near Groningen. These gardens were huge, and it was created by authentic Chinese people who were brought in as temporary workers to make these gardens. This just goes to show how much unused money Holland has, and how willing Chinese people are to get it.

A windmill on beautiful day with a Dutch cloud in the sky, with a carnival in front of it. Carnies: the under-scrotum of society.

This is my favourite city to walk around in Holland is Den Haag. For some reason it translated to "The Hague". I don't understand. I mean, French people don't call New York "Nouvelle York". Why can't people just mispronounce this city name just like they do with any other Dutch city?

One last note on the Lomograph, it is apparently an old communist invention, intended to be a communistic way to represent the world. That sounds about right. Expect another installment of Lomography in the future.
Wow, that building next to Leiden Centraal went up really quick. It was still just getting started last August. Cool architecture, but why the colors??
Yeah, at first I was hoping that the colours we see now are just an undercoating. But no, I don't know if this is true, but the colours in architecture seem to be a recent trend here.
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