Saturday, June 05, 2010

Hairvolution: The Update

For those who missed the Hairvolution, I suggest you take a trip down memory highway. And even if you remember, the Hairvolution video is still as awesome as when you first saw it. So, having sent my hair samples away to a charity called Locks of Love, I was concerned that my hair was slightly short of the ten inches requested by their website, but apparently it was enough. Here is a photo of the postcard they send as a thank-you. (and proof that this is a real charity that I really contributed to). I actually wrote a small note along with my hair sample saying that it was a shame that not many people know of this charity, and that there are no known equivalents closer to Holland or Europe, but that even if my hair was unuseable that they should consider it as a show of support.

Sure, they spelled my name incorrectly - and trust me, they completely mangled up my address - but it was a very nice gesture. Besides, who really expects an American to understand foreign languages? They probably think that the Dutch just misspell everything. They might-well be right.

Anyway, even though I hate kids with their dirty little hands and their questions like "are you a man or a woman?", I am very happy to have contributed to this cause. I strongly reccommend that if you have a spare 10 inches lying around, that you give it to children. Unless of course, you are a well-hung Catholic priest. Actually, that was a great part of Locks of Love, that it is a non-religious charity, which means that they do not discriminate and would help a child even if he or she is Catholic.

In related news, my hair has grown back to a more reasonable level, and almost everyone agrees that it is a huge improvement, including strangers who only vaguely knew me. So, the Hairvolution has been a gigantic success, for the self-esteem of some sick child in a society which is incredibly vain, not to mention that it was also a giant boost of my own vanity. It was a win-win, and I declare that the Hairvolution was one of the best ideas I have ever had.

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