The Home Stretch
I woke up this morning, opened the curtains and the sunlight poured into the living room. This was the view that greeted me.

It was a reminder of how great a city Wellington is, and also how lucky I was to get this flat. Until now I had been staying with the kindness of strangers, but now I have a little 2-room flat. It's sweet - it's a perfect bachelorette-pad. See, I'm house-sitting for a colleague who is overseas, and so after 6 weeks of couch-surfing/refugeeing, after 7 different houses and 11 different beds, I have my own space and can finally relax.
Unfortunately, my immune system also decided to relax. It's like how so many students get sick after exams, meaning you can't enjoy the holidays. However, I think I could use a quiet weekend, even if it is filled with phlegm. So, for example, today I have taken a walk to the waterfront to a free-wifi area to catch up on the internet.

Behind is Te Papa, where I'm interning, and you can see that it is a great day to be doing nothing. It's odd though how "nothing" has taken on a new meaning, now that I'm not living in a city that is destroyed. Because, ever single week, it's a whole new nothing. Just walking to work is exciting. One week I'm walking along the waterfront, the next week I'm walking through Central park, and then another week I'm commuting directly through The Basin Reserve, the cricket grounds.
Below is a small 'shop of the above photo with the locations I have surfed.

I do think in the last month-and-a-half I have made up for the extreme-boredom post-earthquake. I am going back home to Christchurch in a few weeks, but until then, I'm staying home in Wellington.
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