Monday, September 19, 2011

Validation through Insultation

I finally made it. See, when I started out this year to write for our student magazine, I had to try have an edge. Blandness and politeness just gets lost in a free student magazine. So, in every column I've written I try to insert a couple of lines that could be taken the wrong way. Of course this is done in satire, but you always hope that someone will actually get angry about it. Well, mission accomplished. This is an actual letter to the editor about a recent column I wrote:

Dear Ed

I had the misfortune of having a spare hour this dreary Wednesday morning and made a poor choice in filling it in by picking up a copy of Canta. I see nothing has changed since I last performed this pantomime of enjoying a little intelligent "literature". I am so glad that Ruben VM sees his writing for what it it really is- uninformative. I find it ironic that his "column" (I use this term loosely) attempts to take the mickey out of the less well endowed (brain wise, I mean) when he clearly cannot understand the concept of wit. I would only like to advise him that intelligence and getting a degree are two very different things. Being intelligent enough to understand a joke is clearly something he is incapable of. "Self-service with a smile" for a do-it-yourself carwash is a witty and inspired tagline. Witty and inspiring are two words I would not use to describe his writing, which smacks of the same pompous, holier-than-thou attitude of a law student.

Fuck you Ruben VM, the only stupid one is you.

Wow, I really struck a nerve there. I decided not to reply, because there is no way I could convince someone this angry that the column was actually a commentary on the apparent pride many have in the deintellectualification of society, and the permissive attitude others have towards it.
But the comment was too good not to share. I'll let you guys be the judge. This is the article that elicited the response.

Either way, I feel I have somehow been validated as a student columnist. There are only a few more issues left this school year, so let's see if I can't do some more damage.

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