In Holland I did several singer-songwriter open-mic nights with English songs that were really quite inappropriate, and although it seemed to go well, I really longed for a comedy audience instead of anrgy/depressed/pretending-to-be-artsy musician crowds. I had been ignored by the Tokyo Comedy Club as well as the Gong Show at the Chicago Comedy Club in Amsterdam. In Christchurch there were no real comedy clubs, and if there were, they sure as hell don't exist anymore. So coming up to Wellington was a great opportunity.
There is one true comedy club here (although most of the time it is a Karaoke bar), however the open mic night was postponed the last month due to, ironically, the Wellington Comedy Festival. Luckily, I got my chance to shine last night. I was so excited about it that I set about photoshopping together some posters to advertise the event. The were on facebook, but not everyone can be lucky enough to be my facebook friend. So, here they are below.

Yes, I am parodying comedy advertisements. The formula is basically to take an embarrassing photo and add a lame or inappropriate pun.
Anyway, although my posters failed to bring in any of my facebook friends, it seeemed to go very well. It's a beautiful thing when you hear laughter at exactly the right moments. I can perform there again next week, and hopefully after then I can finally start to make things happen. It might sound like it's a sudden thing, but it has been a long-time coming, and I'm not finished yet.