I could keep telling you how lame and domesticated I am, but you'd probably think I'm exaggerating for poetic effect. However, I have proof - documented , verifiable proof of how incredibly lame I am at this point in time.
See, since getting back to Christchurch, I decided to seriously study Japanese again. I had missed the 400-level course last semester due to the earthquake-induced move to Wellington, but I tought if I studied hard enough, I would be able to rejoin the class in the new semester.
My self-study programme included three parts:
Traditional Study - Reading, translating and making flashcards.
Japanese Television - Because only studying boring things isn't sustainable, I started watching a lot of movies and dramas in Japanese. Probably an average of 3 hours per day - which isn't so bad considering I haven't touched the regular TV in nearly two months.
The Nintendo DS - This is the new-ish version of the Gameboy, and there are a lot of brain-type games. I have many different games, including an electronic dictionary and games that test you on Japanese characters. According to the DS, have the Japanese ability of an 11-year old. So, it is quite appropriate that I also play some children's games. However, this is also extremely sad.

One game I have been playing is called Chibi Maruko (pictured above), and is about an eight-year old girl who has small adventures with her school friends. It's so inappropriate for a 26-year old guy, and it kind of makes me feel like a kiddy fiddler. In fact, parent have been warned that the D.S. may be used by sexual predators, as some games use a built-in wifi to connect with other players.
Yet, starved for Japanese entertainment, I keep playing it. Below is the opening screen where your teacher takes a roll-call. Below, each circle means that I played this game on that day.
Eek. yes, that is over 5 weeks without missing a day. What have I become?
However, it seems to be working, as I have started dreaming in Japanese. Luckily they aren't about Chibi Maruko, so maybe there is nothing to worry about.
Speaking of going crazy, Uni is back in, and so in the Uninformant.
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