Some IslandSince I learned about it, I had always wanted to go to Somes Island. It's a small island in the Wellington Harbour which has been turned into a pest-free nature reserve. So with the blessing of some ferry tickets, I finally made it.

Here we are sitting on the rubble that once was the quarantine house that was used during the great plague. Ironic that the island was once used to put all the infected/diseased people where now it is completely (mamallian) pest-free. By the way, before you start quoting me, I wasn't really paying attention to the volunteer who told us all these facts, so you know. Still, these bricks were probably used for some kind of building.

Before you arrive, you'd think that the island is pretty small, which it is in terms of islands. I guess we all have the impression that an island is a small piece of land with two palm trees on it. Or at least I do. Somes Island has a few buildings on it, a defunct lighthouse, a former quarantine area perfect for a zombie flick, and a few houses where some hippies/environmentalists probably live.

This is the view to the entrance to Wellington Harbour. It's nice to finally get a view of an uninterupted horizon.

At the top of the hill are four of these gun mount thingees (you can tell I'm a real war fan) which of course, were never used except by teenagers to make out in.

By far the coolest thing about the island is the wildlife. There are so many of these skinks along the paths, and since there are no predators, they are huge and almost fearless. They just sit on the side of the paths like freaking aligators. Besides these, there are several native species of birds among which we saw a couple, including the red karakiri which I hope that one day become really widespread on the mainland so that they fly around like cockatoos and lorakeets do in Australia. Because once they get in a predator free area, they do breed like crazy.
Also, there are native geckoes and many breeding pair of tuatara. Unfortunately, we did not see any, but it was still very cool.

So it was a brillant day for a walk, finally give my camera some burn, get some sun-rays, and to play the tourist - as in I really shouln't have worn jeans on a nature walk on such a nice day. But, despite the sweaty balls, it was definitely worth it.
1 comment:
Yah - looks beautiful! Well, apart from your last sentence comment. Enjoy real work this week :)
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