To most people the above image is probably one of the most banal subjects in all of existence. For me, it was one of the most banal subjects in all of existence which cost me two days of my life. Yes, I spent two full days of my life looking at car tyres.
Like many graduates I am currently happily unemployed, but I got a great piece of advice from the unemployment benefit seminar that I was compulsed to visit. There was an inspirational poster - by which I mean there was a royalty-free stock photo of a man smiling into the camera. The text said "Since I began working, the financial situation for my family has improved." I had never thought of it that way. When something is so simple it is either genius or idiocy, you have to pay attention, and two full months later I finally got my first job... looking at car tyres.
Now, for those of you unfamiliar with car tyres, they are usually found close to the ground. That meant there was a lot of bending over. In fact, the job description said that the ideal candidate should be 'good at bending over.' Now when a job lists the qualities of the ideal candidate and says they should be good at bending over, that's your dream job right there.
So I was given a clipboard and a reflective vest and set free in a building where there are many tyres. This is called a 'car park'. For those familiar with car parks, you'll recall that these are usually dark, but you probably are not aware of just how filthy these places are until you have to to spend 8 hours in one, kneeling and lying on the ground. By the end of the day I emerged like the Chilean Miners - flithy, exhausted and my lungs filled with soot. The only thing missing was all the nationalistic bullshit upon reentry.
So that went so well that I did it for a 2nd day. I'd like to say that I now know what all the markings on the tyres mean, but I only know how to find them. I'm like what an astrologer is to an astrometor. I could spout all these numbers and wear dirty, ill-fitting clothing and have people pay me good money... Sorry, I forget where I was going with that.
The point is, well, I forget that too. But if I can just impart on you one thing, it would be that working is a way to earn money (although not the only way).
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